Question / Help Question AND Crash between 5-17 seconds of streaming OR recording


New Member
Fresh install on new machine, whether I record only or stream to twitch only, OBS will crash after anywhere between 5-17 seconds. below is the logs, it's being run as an administrator.

I have tried recording as mp4, flv. usually with flv recording it lasts over a minute, but when i stream it's only doing 5-17 seconds. CPU usage is around 75 percent.

below are the pastebin links for the logs

Crash Log:

Normal Log:

I'm not using the camera microphone, and i don't know what the "data is not aligned" message means.

My setup is a separate machine -> black magic pro card and the audio is coming from a digital mixer through either the USB card for the mixer, or the sound blaster xfi card (and i've tried using the cmedia card that I use for ts3 with the same results).

my streaming settings are 1 track, x264, 1280/720 rescale @ 2000bps, 2 keyframes and cbr

Recording settings are right now, FLV, 1 track, "use stream encoder" but i've also tried it with mp4 as the format which actually causes the crash a lot quicker, I would rather use mp4 for the recording

Also, not sure if i need another thread for this, i noticed that under "regular OBS" I can use the line sound card for the mixer as the desktop audio, but for some reason, no matter what I do, when i select it in the audio properties I get no audio on the desktop audio control. Right now i have to use windows to send it out the hdmi output to the monitor and capture that in obs.

another thing, is there a way to just have the desktop audio and the mic audio show up in the mixer on the front? right now i have numerous audio controls show up and it's annoying when i use them as a reference to have to scroll up and down :D

I have attached the screenshots of the main screen and also my audio settings with a little note on the latter 2.

obsmp2.png obsmp3.png


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Known crash for the blackmagic plugin. Will be fixed next patch.

Also a known issue about the mixer. I don't like it either, needs improving.


New Member
well a compromise which would work, would be to be able to sort the items in the mixer that way you can turn them on and off on the fly which would be cool.