Question / Help Question about re-adjusting pixels (artifacts?)


New Member
Hi all,

Right now I'm using a brand new Elgato HD60 S and it's working fantastic with OBS Studio. There is one question I had I was trying to figure out, and I meant to ask this when I was using my faulty Elgato game capture HD 2012 model, as this happens with both devices, but I don't think it's a glitch or anything:

Q: When I am recording games off my consoles, especially games that are 16 bit (so the SNES Classic HDMI 720p, and Genesis Mini HDMI 720p), I get these re-adjustments in my graphics. Basically say I start up a game like Super Mario World or F-zero, for the first couple of seconds that the game has a new screen, if you look closely it seems like the pixel adjust slightly, then after they are all set and don't need again. I'm not sure if this is considered "artifacting" or what the term would be.

If I put the quality at a very high level (CRF with 10 settings, HDMI 1080p) it comes out perfect, and I don't see this quick "re-adjustment" of pixels. Unfortunately this kind of setting even for games on the SNES Classic 16 bit HDMI take up 1 gig per minute, which is gigantic. I was trying to do at least 18 - 25 CRF but you can clearly see them shifting. So to summarize:

1. Could this be caused by an older GPU card, and it's not rendering in the recording properly? Remember, the live source feed with this new Elgato HD60 S does NOT show this problem at all; it's just in the recording footage. My current GPU is from 2013, a Radeon R9 280 Windforce, and I actually have a brand new MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 super coming this week. Would using this new video card probably fix this issue?

2. If not the video card that's doing that weird pixel adjustment in the raw footage, could it be the wrong resolution? the Elgato HD60 S doesn't let me pick 720p like the 2012 model did in OBS, but under video I made sure it's 1920x1080, using the X264 encoder. New video games like Animal Crossing for the Switch look amazing on it, but for some odd reason it's just these older games in HDMI that are giving me these funky slight adjustment blocks.

Thank you for any help!