hello everyone,
i have the problem that some things on my stream just look bad. my best example is the timer for speedruns. here is a screenshot from the timer which runs live on my pc(right timer) and the timer you see in the livestream(left timer): https://puu.sh/uXSJ3/99fbcce067.PNG
here is a log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fe6022fa5d574c2bba926b52adf26a80
i have the problem that some things on my stream just look bad. my best example is the timer for speedruns. here is a screenshot from the timer which runs live on my pc(right timer) and the timer you see in the livestream(left timer): https://puu.sh/uXSJ3/99fbcce067.PNG
here is a log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fe6022fa5d574c2bba926b52adf26a80