Question / Help quality difference Capture Device vs Game capture


New Member
Dear members,

Already a lot of info about capture devices on the interwebs, but can't seem to find the answer on the quality issues i am having.

Bare in min that i'm Dutch.. so my spelling maybe a bit off.. sorry for that.

I'm experimenting with a dedicated streaming machine and an external capture device (Avermedia Lite LGP). At first i hooked up a laptop (dual core) with the same settings i used in my single setup:

  • 3500 bitrate
  • Faster preset
  • Downscaled 720P @60 FPS
  • Streaming to twitch
I already knew that the dual core would have a hard time encoding all the data.. and i was right. The dual core couldn't handle it. But what bothered me was the quality difference in using the avermedia lite pluging (as a global source) instead of using the good old Game capture with my single setup.

So i tried hooking up the Avermedia to my main PC. The quality difference was still there. Game Capture was way more clearer then the Avermedia Pluging. So now i'am wondering if i should even consider a streaming machine if it degrates the quality, or am i missing something? Is it maybe that the avermedia has bad quality? Or am i missing something in my setup?

Would really appreciate your input...


New Member
Was the first time using a capture device (in single and dual setup). OBS settings were identical... When i hooked everything up i didn;t expect a quality decrease using a capture device as a global source.