Python Script and property Visibility on load


New Member
I've recently been migrating my python scripts to be using obs_property_set_modified_callback to adjust which controls are displayed on the properties on the fly.
The script works the way it should, except on script load. As when the script is loaded, all controls are added into the form and are visible by default, but even while the callback is called, and controls are looped through, no direct changes are made to the UI

[] ac 2
[] setting aSource_0 visibility to True
[] setting aSource_1 visibility to True
[] setting aSource_2 visibility to False
[] setting aSource_3 visibility to False
[] setting aSource_4 visibility to False
[] setting aSource_5 visibility to False
[] setting aSource_6 visibility to False
[] setting aSource_7 visibility to False
[] setting aSource_8 visibility to False
[] setting aSource_9 visibility to False

However, the form looks like this instead, which is clearly not the desired or programmed outcome

I have referenced my code among other implementations where this should work, for example the ffmpeg-source only toggles visibility of controls within the modified callback, assuming that similarly, the source relies on the initial loading call to set the visibility of remote options when the user opens the properties window. My attempt at the same thing does not return a similar outcome.