Push to Talk with an option to Toggle to Talk


New Member
Hello, I see OBS can do Push to Talk for the Mic and it works nicely. But I do not see how it can be done where not only can I have a hotkey for Push-to-Talk but also Toggle to talk (pressing a button once to enable mic then press again to mute), only one of them is allowed at a time, not both. There is many times where I want to talk a lot and I dont feel like holding down the button but would rather use a toggle instead while still being able to use my push-to-talk key most of the time.

Also if there is a way to do this please let me know, if not please make this a feature. Thanks!

Travis Reames

New Member
I'm running into the same problem, I'm a noise nazi most the time so push to talk for my discord and stream. but sometimes i do GG - Guitar and Gaming and it's nice to disable push to talk. Cuz then I already have a separate hotkey ready with Push to Mute for those segments of the stream...

A hotkey needs to be added to Enable/Disable Push to Talk. Push to Mute doesn't seem to conflict just P2T. Thanx v.v love obs glad you guys won the format war w/ xplit and making slobs look like it sounds ^_^

Travis Reames

New Member
So I found a semi-workaround for this. It takes 2 keybindings. One for push to mute and one for push to talk. Using a push to talk button will mute the stream after its released. And Push to Mute will Unmute the stream after it's released. Hope this helps!


New Member
Old as heck, but the only thing I could find when looking for the solution. The fix I came up with is making a macro with Voice Attack to toggle my push-to-talk button on a hotkey.

EXE: Alt+F6 toggles Mouse5


New Member
I used Autohotkey to fix this, I have my PTT on mouse 5, so I created a toggle on my Stream Deck layout now.
Here is the AHK script for it, which is very straightforward:

; Start holding Mouse Button 5 when Shift+Ctrl+1 is pressed
Send, {XButton2 Down}

; Stop holding Mouse Button 5 when Shift+Ctrl+2 is pressed
Send, {XButton2 Up}
