Bug Report Push-To-Talk hotkeys


New Member

For some reason I cant use "<" -button for push-to-talk.
I cant bind it from settings...

Can you fix this please?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Which operating system? Seems to work on windows on my end.


New Member
Win 7 ultimate.
Works fine with normal OBS, but cant bind it in multiplatform.
And my brother has same problem.

btw.. we use pan nordic layout keyboards. (edit)
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New Member
Yeah, same problem here, works fine with normal OBS, but not in MP.

Tried everything. Changed the keyboard layoyt to US, tried with onscreen keyboard etc, but no luck


New Member
I'm using Windows 10 with OBS Studio. So far I've tested Pause/Break, comma, and the G key just for the heck of it. Push to talk doesn't seem to work at all. There's no visual feedback in the application, and I tried recording a test video and that confirmed it's not working.
I'm hoping I'm not missing something, but it doesn't seem to be complicated to set up.


Forum Moderator
@Lazaruz On a US keyboard you wouldn't be able to bind < or > directly as they're not dedicated keys. It should show up as binding , or Shift+, instead.

@chipolty Did you enable PTT for the specific audio device under Settings > Audio? It takes more than just a hotkey in OBS Studio. There is no visual indicator other than the volume levels in the mixer moving or not.

Also doesn't sound like you have the same issue as the OP, since he's talking about getting the hotkeys bound vs using the actual PTT functionality.


New Member
digging this out again, since I hit the same problem.

Using "<" as a hotkey doesn't seem to work. It also doesn't show up as anything else, it just stays blank. Anyway to use "<" as a hotkey or am I SOL? Wanting to use it as my Push-To-Talk on microfon since I'm using the same for TS and classic OBS. Windows 10 here and German keyboard/client/pc.


New Member
Same problem as I stated above, I just pushed this one since it's been a few weeks. There's also no "binding" or "Shift+" if I try to type "<". It just stay blank :(

Suslik V

Active Member
Same problem as I stated above, I just pushed this one since it's been a few weeks. There's also no "binding" or "Shift+" if I try to type "<". It just stay blank :(
Any other keys are working in the same field? (Studio v0.15.1?)


New Member
Hope it's ok if i revive this thread.

I cannot bind Circumflex "^" as push to talk.
Well it is binded but nothing happens.
I also added another push to talk key (3 on numpad) and that works perfectly fine.

I am using OBS Studio on Windows 10 64 bit (German keyboard).

The push to talk key worked on OBS Classic.

Hope someone can help me.
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New Member
@Suslik V is there really no way to make it work? Somehow by editing some settingsfiles? It's not only when im ingame. It also doesnt work on my desktop.
I really depend on that key @_@

Suslik V

Active Member
If it doesn't work for your desktop then you just did something wrong. Because, the only reason I saw that cause Hotkeys not to work (when OBS Studio started as admin) it was Sources or Scenes list focused (selected). And even previous post, about keyboard layout never caused error for me. If you can assign the key in OBS Studio Settings>Hotkeys then it works always. Maybe you forgot to Enable push-to-talk at Settings>Audio for the Source?

Also, with AutoHotkey application you can remap the keys.

example was wrong, removed. Sorry.
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New Member
Other Hotkeys for PTT work, it's just this ^ one :(
I can use this key for other binds though, which is strange.
That means, OBS does recognize the key.

Suslik V

Active Member
I have no idea why you struggle to use the key. Post the log file where you are running OBS Studio as admin, please.

For test purposes you can try the script:
; OBS Studio ^ remap test (Studio v0.16.6, ahk v1.0.47.3)

; No more auto-executed strings (after first "return" word).



; Let's program the script suspend by ScrollLock press,
; (for easy script termination when important keys in use).
; Pause timers and loops too.


; turn ^ to non-existing on my keyboard f13 key (^ excluded, remap)
that remaps ^ (5Eh) to F13 key. Run the script to remap the key while script is running (application accessible through the Windows tray icon).Use ScrollLock key to pause/suspend the script.

The attached zip file has .exe and .ahk of the script itself. The .exe file requires admin rights too. May rise false positive antivirus warning (just compile by yourself with AutoHotkey application).


  • OBS_Studio_key_remap_to_F13.zip
    192 KB · Views: 56


New Member
As option, you may try to run obs64.exe instead of obs32.exe and see what happens.
it didn't change anything, can you test if you can use circumflex as PTT hotkey?
I don't know if league of legends allows autohotkey to be open and not consider it as cheat or something like that.

Suslik V

Active Member
Simply try it. The script doesn't do any automation for key presses - just remaps the key. You may unplug the internet cable and check the script locally with other game. I still cannot guarantee that it should work for you.

About the keys. I have other keyboard than you (named Labtec, standard PS/2 keyboard driver), other system (tested on win7x86), and other layout (EN,RU,UA. Either I hit ` ~ ё or other symbol (the first key in a row `1234567890-=BackSpace, the event triggered - no matter what current layout is and what ` or ~ or ё assigned in OBS Studio. The circumflex is under 6 key on my keyboard in EN only, so I need to press Shift + 6 key to insert ^ key, and this combination work for any event including Push-to-talk. But to see it as ^ symbol or more clear as Shift + OBS_KEY_F13 I need to use the script, otherwise it shown as Shift + 6 combination. The advantage of the script is that it works in OBS itself, even if the Sources or Scenes list is focused - item selected).

I can use almost all keys. The only reason that I can't use some keys described there: Keybind - if you can, please confirm in the thread that you have similar behavior.