Question / Help PS4 Audio Issues

jerry jackson

New Member
Hey all,

I'm streaming my PS4 gameplay onto twitch with an elgato hd60. The video seems fine but the audio is pretty bad. It sounds like its going through a tunnel and anytime there is a loud explosion its really bad. I'm streaming at 720 and using a bitrate of 3500. My audio bitrate is 160. Its happening when I stream and in my recorded videos. I included the log file below. I also recorded a video using the elgato software and the audio sounded perfect, so I'm sure it has something to do with OBS. If anyone could help that would be awesome!

Log File:


Have you tried disbling all other audio sources but the game?
Tried running obs in admin mode? (always run it in admin mode).
Some webcams interfer a lot, u should rule that out. Your webcam format is running i420 which should be good. I have an elgato hd60 pro which i used briefly, wasnt satisfied with it. It was a lot better after just enforcing a single resolution, as is the case with all capture cards basically, thru custom resolution utility. You can download CRU at blurbusters.
3500 bitrate is ok for your 30 fps stream, so thats fine, same for audio bitrate that should be good.

jerry jackson

New Member
I just tried disabling all other audio sources and running in admin mode and neither helped. I went to the elgato software and changed that video output to 720 and that also did not work.(not sure if that's what you meant). I don't know what CRU or blur busters are, could you explain what they are supposed to do?


The idea with CRU is to edit the monitor, or in this case, capture card, driver setting for the pc. So you can f.ex set an exact fps rate, trouble shoot resolutions etc, disable audio, tweak audio, enable speaker modes, set channels 2,4,6,8 etc and much, much more. It is not a firmware tool, the change is not permanent.
Have you ensured listen is off for audio devices and that all audio devices run same setting?
Audio issues are often very hard to fix, sorry. What about Game DVR is there something in there to tweak? I never used that. I have it disabled so.


New Member
I had this problem myself. Couple questions. Which are you selecting as the Elgato device in the drop down when you add it in OBS, the "elgato game capture hd", or the one with (video)? You should be using "(video)" as the option. I know a ton of youtube vids show people choosing the former, but try that. Secondly, at the bottom of that same panel you should see an audio output mode selection drop down. try 'wave' as opposed to the default. I honestly messed around with those two things as early as this weekend to finally solve the same problem - so im hoping this helps you!

jerry jackson

New Member
The only option I have is "elgato game capture hd", I don't see any (video). My only two video capture options are the webcam and elgato game capture hd. Do I need to have some kind of option somewhere else turned on? I tried the wave setting and got the same audio results also.


Did u set all audio devices to same Khz quality? i see elgato is at 44k and some other at 48k etc. Set it to the same setting all of them. Either will do.