Provide Lua API for Plugin Dev

Fabian Becker

New Member

I think it would be a great idea to have a "Lua Plugin" (or any other scripting language really) that would allow loading arbitrary plugin scripts from the filesystem. This would make plugin development and installation a much easier task as streamers would only have to download a simple plugin script and load it into the plugin. The "Lua Plugin" could expose certain parts of the OBS plugin API to allow interaction with the stream.

My C++ skills are quite rusty but I'd be happy to assist if someone decides to pick this up.


Greg Vaganza

New Member
Hi, I think this is a great idea!
The scripting would also allow some automated stuff. f.e. diplay a streaming timer (Textfield with a specific id to be addressed).
Cause I've no clue about LUA, I can't say something about it, but python might also work.

Thanks a lot for your efforts,
greetings Greg


I'm pretty sure there was a Lua plugin project a while back, like obs mountain or something. Idk whatever happened to it.