Question / Help Projector view scaling

Hans-Peter Henkel

New Member
I wonder if I can set the resolutions and position for the projector preview. These are the options that are shown ...


I'm on a Macbook Pro. The setting for Display 0 is always bigger than the actual possible resolution which leads to a part view of the left upper corner. If I choose Display 1 the resolution is OK but what sense does it make to set it automatically to -390??? I managed to avoid this issue BTW using Keyboard maestro which is able to position the front window of OBS even though I have to use a setting unlike 0 to get it working. But unfortunately KM seems to be not able to resize the projector window.

I really would love to be able to access these settings. I searched all the preferences and this forums without any result.

Any (quick) help is deeply appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



Forum Moderator
The @ -2560,-390 are the coordinates of the monitor's location, not its resolution. 0,0 is the top left corner of display 0, the second display is offset from that (left 2560 pixels, down 390). That's controlled by your OS AFAIK. I don't believe it's possible to change the size/scaling of the projector view at this time.

Hans-Peter Henkel

New Member
Thanks and apologises, that I wasn't more clear - I know that it's the position but it refers also to the resolution of the second display (width). But as mentioned I don't have actually problems with the second display but the first one. What is a projector view worth when just 30% of the canvas can be shown referring to the real display size? Where does OBS take these values (3360x2100) from?


Forum Moderator
The first set of values is the resolution of the monitor, the second set of values is the position. The primary monitor appears to be running at 3360x2100 or at least that's what the OS reports. For the projector view to fit, the OBS canvas size would need to match.


New Member