Was trying to use the OBS-projector as a quick and dirty screen mirror. When clicking the "Scene->Full Screen Projector-> Display 2" (or any other) it would only open the projector on the same display/screen that currently has OBS open. OBS on display 0, try to project on display 1: opens on display 0. OBS on display 1, try and project on display 2: opens on display 1. (I have tri-monitors 0-2)
Initially found from PPA, tried from latest source. No relevant logs were generated (projector does not seem to log anything anywho)
Added two loglines to the projector init to make sure it *was* loading/passed the correct monitor info. (and this is as far as my knowledge goes, sorry...)
And a logline from when OBS was on monitor 0:
Initially found from PPA, tried from latest source. No relevant logs were generated (projector does not seem to log anything anywho)
Added two loglines to the projector init to make sure it *was* loading/passed the correct monitor info. (and this is as far as my knowledge goes, sorry...)
// inserted at line 33 of obs-studio/obs/window-projector.cpp in OBSProjector::Init
blog(LOG_WARNING, "*** init projector on monitor: %d", monitor);
blog(LOG_WARNING, "*** x,y::cx,cy: %d,%d::%d,%d", mi.x,mi.y,,;
And a logline from when OBS was on monitor 0:
warning: *** init projector on monitor: 1
warning: *** x,y::cx,cy: 3840,0::1920,1080