PROGRAM and PREVIEW virtual scene


New Member

I am to OBS, and exploring. One enhancement that would be useful are two virtual scenes, representing the live-to-air output, and the preview in studio. Let me explain the use case. Imagine a scene, that has a combination of program out, with a bunch of individual sources around the edge. (Individual cameras lets say). This would be a good overview representation for a director view. That view could go to a directly connected monitor, or through an output filter sent out via NDI for use. But there is one catch. There is nowhere to get preview or program out as an input for use in building a scene. You can cheat and enable NDI output for both of these, and re-ingest that back into OBS. But the downside is the high CPU load that NDI imposes, compared to looping sources back in without going via NDI.

This would be a good enhancement - But while suggesting this, can anyone comment if this would be achievable with a plugin or script instead?


New Member
Are you actually just looking for better multiview tools?
Yes, and no. I want to do send a scene to an output (a monitor) or to NDI (or both). Forget the idea of multi view - I want to composite my scene using a loopback input of the "on-air" monitor, and lets say other inputs (like from - kind of like previews of those shots.... plus some other on-screen text data. I think this is more than multi-view.


Community Helper
I mean, what it *sounds* like you want is the ability to construct a multiview with the same flexibility that you could construct a scene.


New Member
Lets break this requirement into two concrete parts:
1. Allow windowed or full screen output of a scene - even a non active scene. This will allow configuration of elements as required, as a more configurable multi view display.
2. Allow a scene to be constructed with virtual inputs for PREVIEW and PGM OUT, to allow constructing a scene suitable for the above.

I hope that all makes sense.


Community Helper
Number 1 is already possible. The only use case for number 2 that you have described is to create a custom multiview.


New Member
Number 1 is already possible. The only use case for number 2 that you have described is to create a custom multiview.
Its been a while since this discussion. I thought I'd come back with this again. Why a custom multi view? To send as a virtual camera back to a remote or similar. This SHOULD be an easy feature. I'd be willing to collaborate with anyone to create this as an OBS plugin, but I've had no past experience with OBS code.... so anyone that could help get me started would be appreciated.