Question / Help Problems with Syphon Client (SIP disabled)


New Member
I have a problem with the obs program.

I have imac with the Catalina operating system and when I want to capture a game (minecraft) I am using the Syphon Client Source but i can´t click in the buttom.

I have disabled SIP but I still cannot access.


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Active Member
I don't believe so. Support for the capture method used by SyphonInject is no longer available in Mojave and above. It is not being prevented by SIP. Disabling SIP does not recover this functionality.

Running with SIP disabled in Mojave, the only app I've successfully been able to capture with Syphon is OBS itself, and I think even that works without disabling SIP-- but disabling SIP does not allow other apps to be injected.


New Member
Hi everyone!

Thanks for the answers, Narcogen

News Update!:

Although Narcogen said "Syphon does not function in Mojave and above.", I managed to install syphonclient in Catalina but i have some problems.

First of all I would like to say that I have a friend that has my same configuration and it works for him.

How I installed the program?

  1. Install OBS Studio
  2. Disabled SIP in the S.O. Catalina
  3. Install Syphonclient 1.2

When I want to capture through Syphonclient I can inject without problem but when but I see the screen resized.

Can anybody help me?


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New Member
Another new member here with the exact same problem as @nukero.

I've tried transforming the capture area in every way that I can think of but still SyphonInject only captures the bottom left. Any help would be really appreciated.


New Member
An update to the above: there is a way to get the full window capture through SyphonInject under the circumstances by scaling down the source in OBS so that it only covers the bottom left corner area. However, downsampling issues occur because of this so it all gets really really blurry, even if you fiddle around with the Scale Filtering options (bicubic works best but it's not very satisfying)


New Member
Hi, sorry for the slow response. Here's how I did it:

Scaled down and blurry solution (all in OBS)
1. Add a video source
2. Add a Syphon Client
3. Move the Syphon Client window to the upper right corner of your canvas and scale it down a bit
4. Scale down the video source window and move it to the lower left part of the canvas. You can now scale this up or down and see the result instantly in your Syphon Client window (in the upper right).
5. If you want to you can add filters to the video source to try to compensate for the blur, such as adding sharpness and using some color correction.
6. If you get grey borders on the sides of the video, you can solve this by reducing the size of the OBS window so that the video covers as much of the space as possible.

Hope this helps a bit. Personally, my main goal was to get the video into CamTwist, so I have decided to not use SyphonInject for now and instead use the Desktop+ feature in CamTwist to capture the entire OBS window instead (which only works if you have a second screen).


New Member
Syphon client was recognizing my camera, until today. I downloaded the new OBS upgrade, and now syphon won't recognize my camera. I've tried everything I can think of. Anyone else having this issue?