Bug Report Problem with window capture


New Member
Just tried to move from OBS classic to Studio and it looks smooth but I have a bug that won't let me use obs studio.

Version: 0.13.2 Capture windows isn't working as intented. For example I'm running Hearthstone with window capture and as soon as I leave the game, the source 'freezes', stays on the last frame of the game and doesn't recognize that that source shouldn't be used anymore. If I try to change window/window match priority settings it just shows another windows instead of nothing.

current log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fbff6f70e11a099b4472
last log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/bdf52003d067bef50b03

edited current log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ab1fecd911e1f81adc17
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Suslik V

Active Member
Why it may changed? This is a 'window' capture not 'display' capture, not a 'game' capture. I think, it always must keep window tracked. If system, by itself, doesn't updates the window screen info, why OBS should? It deeply integrated in way how it rendered. Uncheck, if it possible, 'Show window contents while dragging', in advanced system properties of the Windows - does the window capture disappear (becomes transparent) in OBS when you perform the move?

If you choose 'window' mode, make it disabled via hotkeys or 'eye' icon.


New Member

Suslik V

Active Member
Hope, we wouldn't get pop-up window "Window not found" and OK button. Due to all this movements.

Edit: my opinion - there is nothing to change. Write your own plug-in to disable source if window destroyed, minimized etc. Like a fake opacity filter or so, don't know.
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The Helping Squad
More likely a window not found text showing in the bottom left of the OBS-Studio window, just like in OBS.