Question / Help problem with stream


New Member
Stream is skipping frames, also its high motion game so i guess thats the problem but how to fix it..

os: win10 64bit
cpu: i7 3770
gpu: gtx 780
ram: 16gb
net: 6mb up (6000kbps)

obs (studio):
I downscale to 720p,veryfast,cbr,3000bitrate (tried enabling buffer 3000 but same). cpu is not strugling its around 55%.
Ok I'm going to take a guess that your frame rate is too high. As a non-partnered streamer your best configuration is 720p 30fps at 2000-2500 bitrate. There are a load of reasons for this which are explained in this article:

The other thing you need to do is keep an eye on your CPU levels, in your last stream in your log you are using CPU preset of faster, this will smooth out video quality to some extent at the cost of CPU. I'm not s sure how intensive Smite is but you just need to be careful. Set everything to the defaults I suggested above with CPU preset to veryfast and see how you go. If you have CPU to spare then increase your CPU preset a little.