Question / Help Problem with OBS audio monitoring

Tops cut off

New Member
I’m trying to record a podcast on a Rodecaster Pro plugged into a MacBook with OBS. Everything sounds great but noticed a doubling or slight echo on any of the MEDIA used in my OBS scenes when I play the podcast back. I figured the problem was monitoring. So In the OBS mixer made the mic/aux (Rodecaster) output only. That worked fine, I could still hear the mic audio in my headphones but without a doubling echo. But when I try to make the media from an OBS scene output only I can’t hear it in my headphones (which are plugged into Rodecaster) How can I Get rid of the doubling echo from the media audio but still hear it in my headphones with the rest of my podcast guests?


New Member
I fear this is a similar issue I'm experiencing with the audio monitoring within OBS at present.

You could youse your RØDECaster as your PFL mixer but that would give you no means of monitoring the actual programme output or any other content you played into your pod cast from your Mac. If you did monitor the TX programme out your voice may be delayed and this would cause you some trouble.

I've not got a RØDECaster here to test this but what you could do is take your audio source (Your RØDECaster) and set it to Monitor Off, you would then use the headphone buss on the RØDECaster to hear your contributors. You could then set the 'Monitor Out' from OBS to be to your RØDECaster set that input channel on the RØDECaster to be only in the your ears and mute to the main mix. this way you could hear all the live mics at source and least latency but if you played any other content in you could hear it.

Sadly this doesn't fix the issue of trying to properly monitor the programme output.