Question / Help Problem with Low/Muffled Audio

Ronald Nutter

New Member
Just tried OBS Studio for the first time. Was able to switch between two Logitech C920's without a problem. Having a problem with Audio that I havent been able to figure out. I have a Audio Technica 2100 USB microphone that I use for my podcasts and it works great when recording in Audacity. I am able to select the AT2100 from the OBS menu. The audio sounds very low to almost being muffled. I have raised the gain 6 db without any improvement.

I am using the latest version of OBS Studio. I have been reading the docs and other information that I can find but havent found a solution to this to yet.

Here is the link to the video that I have recorded -

I am sure it is something simple that I have missed. Would appreciate any points on my audio issues.


The background noise suggests that audio is being picked up by the webcam's mic and not the AT mic.

Can you provide a log?

Ronald Nutter

New Member
Went back out and back in on OBS and it is working now. Thought I had selected correct mic. Will look at the log to see the difference. Appreciate the pointer in showing me what to look at !



No problem. One thing to note though, if you see the log, your system is struggling to encode with your settings. Might want to look at that

14:09:15.178: Output 'simple_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 87 (40.3%)