Citation of what? Plugins existing?
Because it hasn't been retired like the program itself has.
Yes? And it hasn't been retired because....? All together now.... "people still use classic for some reason!" Yay!
There's a converter for that. Thanks for checking.
I didn't say they COULDN'T. What I said was that they simply don't want to take the time to import it. It's not about "can't" it's about "won't", because....
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Thanks for all the quotes :) Please PM me if you want to discuss Studio vs Classic further if it's still troubling you, as it's incredibly disrespectful to the OP.
OP asked a question pertaining to Classic... answered it in a way that would help them, even if it's an outdated program that they should be considering migrating from, and even if this thread should be moved to Classic support by mod.
If the answer is always "get the new program", that seems a little half-assed, EVEN IF THAT WOULD HELP THEM.
For example, a lot of people's problems with Windows XP would be fixed if they upgraded to Windows 10... but that doesn't mean there isn't a fix available for Windows XP, or that upgrading is the best choice for them.
Cheers, thanks!