Question / Help Premiere Pro Audio Sync Issue (CBR)


New Member
I've been experiencing this issue for a few days now. Very consistent. When I record for long periods of time (1-2 hours) my audio and video become gradually out of sync. Let me clarify that the file itself is perfect, no issues when viewing with VLC. However, if I import it into Premiere Pro, it will move out of sync. I can already hear your keyboards typing telling me to use CBR, but I already am. This is only an issue with Premiere Pro.

OBS Settings:
  1. General -
  2. Stream -
  3. Output -
  4. Audio -
  5. Video -
  6. Advanced -
I attempted to narrow the issue down and recorded a metronome for 40 mins. Here you can see that in a sea of consistencies, there is one that stands out.

You can see they're closer together. It's hard to listen for a "skip" in normal gameplay, but you can clearly see it here.

This issue will not surface in other editing software. I'm aware that Premiere Pro does not like VBR which is why I switched to OBS. If you need any more info I can provide.



Forum Admin
Looks like you're getting some lagged frames, which usually indicates the GPU is being maxed out. Are you running the game uncapped FPS? It also looks like you fell back on Display Capture instead of Game Capture because it wasn't configured to capture the right game. Logs show it trying to capture Chrome. Display Capture is significantly less efficient than Game Capture and could explain the issues as well.


New Member
Thank you for the responses. I agree, this is not an OBS issue as I thought it was. (It's still possible)

For those who are interested I have managed to narrow it down to the multiple audio channels. The first channel is the only one affected by the sync issue. I know this because I just recorded gameplay on the same track as my voice and it was perfect. The first audio track however was still gradually moving out of sync.

Maybe recording to the 2nd and 3rd audio tracks and skipping the 1st will fix? I'll test it soon.

Thanks :)