(pre)view stream locally


New Member
Is there a way to locally (live/constantly) see the audio+video stream that is going out?

Cause i want to "monitor/preview"* the stream video/audio quality and sync, but waiting ~20 seconds (worst-case) in a browser for every change is really suboptimal...

(Why) Can't we simply locally "render" the stream bits going out?
(if it's a matter of implementing it, i can try to implement it... any pointers appreciated)

Or could we like do recording in "memory buffer" instead of file, and show it in a window?
Any (non disk filling) Linux "piping" workaround would be ok too :)

*"monitor/preview" are apparently the wrong words for this, cause the "preview" in main window is not a preview of the video going out (does not show the video compression) and "monitor" of audio (in advanced audio properties) is not what is going out (moving the audio volume sliders have no effect)... is there a keyword for this?