Bug Report Potential Memory Leak - Win10


New Member
I'm running Windows 10 x64 (eval copy/dev build #11082). Just installed OBS Studio yesterday, messed around with it for a few hours, worked perfectly fine. Today, Windows tells me about 90% of my 20GB RAM is used, but I can't find anything in the task manager indicating as much. Open the resource monitor to find that obs32 and obs64 are both running, each using some 30%-40% of the RAM per.

Screenshot of the Memory page of the Task Manager after closing each OBS instance from the resource monitor:
(I know it says 3 of 4 slots, accursed CPU cooler blocks a RAM slot, had to sacrifice a 4GB)

I did initially launch obs32 (because the installer put the x86 shortcut on the desktop), then switched to the x64 when I realized it was there, but presumably either they're not shutting back down entirely when closed, or whatever is designed to run in the background eats up a lot of memory over time.

After exiting those, it seems I'm unable to properly re-open OBS x64. It shows in the task manager, but no UI appears, but this might have something to do with me upgrading my GTX driver prior to re-launching OBS.