Possible to have Windows 10 notifications for OBS recording?


New Member
Is it possible to get the Windows 10 action centre style notifications (like what qBittorrent has for example) to show when you've started recording or saved a replay buffer clip? I would prefer to use OBS instead of shadowplay because of CQP support but lack of recording notification is one reason I stick with shadowplay.


New Member
Somewhere in the form, is supposedly a plugin to sorta fix this issue.

..However, I couldn't seem to get the plugin to download (I'm kinda a nub, when it comes to downloading coding stuff, if it doesn't have an "download this pkg" thing..), so, I found a good work-around:

Go to "settings" > "general" > "toolbar" (you'll need scroll down a bit) > "Enable".

Then, on the toolbar thing, manually drag the icon onto the "always shown" part thing, & tada! You can now see the "red dot" to show it's recording (on) or not (no dot shown). ^_^

As far as the 'other' notification type things.. Atm, I'm not as versatile in that department (ie: the coding bits), so.. *hugs*

There may be a way to manually code Windows to do that (or, ya can probably have better luck at getting the plugin thing someone wrote on Github.)


I love Windows' built-in gamepad thing (especially the ability to record WITHOUT having to have the program open), but, like you, it has issues crashing / not being able to record desktop etc.
(Considering I'll be using it for online schooling of "Software Development", I kinda 'need' that function.. lol)