Question / Help Possible? Rotate YouTube livestream


New Member
Trying to find a way of doing this....

I'm organizing a stream event using multiple cameras. On the main camera, I'd like to rotate the livestream between multiple participants.

I know a window capture setup cropped down to the video player is good for one video, but is there a way to cycle through multiple? Auto scene switching with each scene being a different stream? Or something to load through a website "playlist" at intervals?

Also, what bitrate you think I need to essentially rebroadcast a YouTube video?

Just looking for suggestions if anyone had ideas to accomplish this.


Forum Admin
OBS is not really designed to ingest streams from other streaming services. You might be able to add each stream to its own scene as a browser source, but I'm not sure how well this will work. YouTube has multiple "camera angles" built in to their service already for streaming together as a team, if that is the goal.


New Member
Yea, I'll already be taking advantage of that.

But mobile only allows for the "main" camera, plus you have a limit of 6 additional. We have about 9 people registered at the moment.

So I thought about using the main camera on a carousel type thing.

Is there a way to do timed scene changes? That seems like the best way going at the moment.


Forum Admin
Not directly with OBS, no, but you can assign hotkeys to every scene and then use something like AutoHotKey to run through and press the keys at set intervals. Might work for what you need?