Bug Report Possible audio bug I noticed in OBS


New Member

I noticed something in OBS today and I wanted to report it and see if one of the OBS DEVs can tell me if this is a bug.

So here is what I noticed.

Option A - 1 Channel Mic audio in windows - This sends your mic audio over just the mono channel which it shows up in OBS as just one mono channel and you hear it in both your ears just like you would want to normally hear it as stereo.

Option B - 2 channel Mic audio in windows - This sends your mic audio over the left channel only in OBS so you need to check "mono" in Advanced Audio Properties to make the audio go into both left and right channels to sound normal/Stereo. FIRST ISSUE I have noticed that this decreases the volume by about 20% or so which is quite a bit because now I have to max out my settings to get the audio to a normal level and I don't have much headroom to make it louder.

Now further testing I am using the ASIO OBS plugin (found here https://github.com/Andersama/obs-asio). This allow me to choose a few options in the plugin settings so I could troubleshoot this a bit further.

So for device I choose my Focusrite USB ASIO ( I have a 2i2 2nd Gen)
Format: I have the option to choose Mono or Stereo
Channel 1:
Channel 2:
(and for each of these I can choose input 1 or input 2 ) My mic is plugged into Input 1 and nothing in Input 2 so I always choose input 1 or the option is to mute the channel. )

SECOND ISSUE AND POSSIBLY MAJOR ISSUE - Option 1 creates some kind of audio distortion FOR ME - It just sounds slighty off and like it is smothered or the timing is off slighty ( at least for me with my 2i2 2nd gen)

Now the way I have found to fix this issue is: Setting my Mic to 2 channel audio in windows which feeds the mic audio over the left channel. In ASIO OBS plugin I can choose EITHER Mono OR Stereo and just run my left channel audio through both and I don't get the 20% audio drop issue and I also don't get any audio distortion at all it sounds so much more clear and no slight distortion or delay.

So my question for a OBS DEV would be:
Don't most users set their audio interface to 1 channel in windows for a studio mic because it is only 1 mono channel of audio? This would mean a lot of other peope are getting this issue and distortion in OBS studio. UNLESS it is an issue with my Scarlett 2i2 2nd gen device. Can you help me troubleshoot this and see if it is an issue in OBS software somehow? or could it just be an issue in my focusrite drivers or Windows 10?

Aren't you suppose to set your mic to 1 channel in windows when you are just using a mono Studio mic?

ALSO IMPORTANT I believe my mic works just fine when in 1 channel windows and I use it with other programs like Adobe Audition / Audacity so wouldn't that mean its an issue in how OBS handles the audio?

Also I am testing this by recording a local file at 15,000 kpbs mkv file type using new NVENC encoder and 320kb AAC. Could it possibly be something with how OBS records the audio into the file causing this issue? perhaps the audio is fine in the OBS program but when recording you get the issue?

also were you aware of this issue with the mono check box in OBS dropping the volume by 20%? and can you fix that somehow?

This is really hard to explain in text but if you want I could talk to you in person on discord later I would really like to help double check this and make sure it isn't an issue for anybody else.

Here is a short log file of when I did a test recording the other day in case you want to take a look at it. https://obsproject.com/logs/TgUWHQjNFrqkIX8i


New Member
Any OBS gods online that can help?

Does the mono option I describe above cause 20% reduction in volume for you guys? is this a bug or intended?

Does the other issue I describe with the mic distortion happen for anybody else?