Poor Video Quality in Stream after Downscaling, any ideas?


New Member
Hi, I've been really struggling with the video quality on my twitch stream through OBS. I've spent hours and hours tweaking different settings and just can't seem to get any real progress. Its not unwatchable by any means but the capture of my actual game play seems notably lower in quality to other streamers playing the same game and using the same twitch mandated bitrate as me. Does anyone have any ideas on this? Is it simply the restrictions on twitch side with the 6k max bitrate to non-partners? I'm playing in 1440p and outputting at 1080p 60fps for twitch.

Screenshot of in game on left versus stream on right as example: https://i.imgur.com/yhT2Qwu.jpg

Example of stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1010949156
Log from stream attached to post.

If you look at the actual stream, the OBS generated elements (cam, overlays etc) look really crisp and nice but the actual screen capture loses a lot of crispness at times, especially during movement. I do get a little of the same effect even when I record at like 40k CBR. Any thoughts?


  • 2021-05-04 17-48-00.txt
    41.3 KB · Views: 29


Forum Admin
Agreed, looks expected for Twitch bitrates. You'll always think your stream looks worse than it does since you have the original uncompressed version to compare it to.


New Member
I'm re-watching it too now and actually its probably the best its been so far. I could just be comparing it to the twitch partner streamers with 8-10k bitrates and it just be that I suppose. 6k bitrate is probably a bit tight for 1080p60. I did just notice I've not been running it with admin mode on, could that have any effect?


Active Member
If you have GPU cycles to spare, you can enable Psycho Visual Tuning for streaming for an increased perceived visual quality out of that 6000 Kbps.