Poor Music Audio YouTube With Mac

Using OBS to livestream worship to YouTube. The connection is fine and works well but the audio is very “tin like” with lots of Treble and little Bass. The output from the mixer to the iMac is fine (E.g., if I record to PhotoBooth the audio is excellent but to YouTube is very poor). We have an upload speed of about 35 to 50 mps. The audio is outputted from a mixer and we use BlackMagic to connect to the iMac.

Any ideas on how we can improve the quality of music (and perhaps also the spoken voice, which is also “tinny”)?


Are you watching YouTube at full HD quality, or on a low-quality stream? It's possible that YouTube itself is recompressing it to death in the 320p stream.

Also, what's your audio bitrate setting in the compressor? (In OBS settings, check Output -> Streaming -> Audio Track, then look at Output -> Audio -> Track [x] -> Audio Bitrate.) I would suggest 192 kbps or higher.

Finally, are you sure OBS is pulling audio from the correct input (and not, for example, from the internal mic, or from one of the cameras)?
Are you watching YouTube at full HD quality, or on a low-quality stream? It's possible that YouTube itself is recompressing it to death in the 320p stream.

Also, what's your audio bitrate setting in the compressor? (In OBS settings, check Output -> Streaming -> Audio Track, then look at Output -> Audio -> Track [x] -> Audio Bitrate.) I would suggest 192 kbps or higher.

Finally, are you sure OBS is pulling audio from the correct input (and not, for example, from the internal mic, or from one of the cameras)?
THANK YOU!!! THE trick was setting the bitrate to higher setting (didn't know how to do that until you mentioned it). We trial and errored and decided to use the highest bitrate. After multiple tests (and tweaking the EQ) it worked wonderfully well. Cannot thank you enough.

FYI, I was using the HD on YouTube and we had the right input, the key was the setting! THANK YOU again!