Question / Help Plugins for Mac


New Member
Anyone know of any good plugins that work with Mac? I found Wavtap but it just looks like a buggy version of Soundflower. Anyone know any besides that.?


Forum Moderator
Soundflower and WavTap aren't plugins. At this early stage of development the answer is more or less no, there aren't really any plugins for the Mac version of OBS yet.


New Member
Soundflower and WavTap aren't plugins. At this early stage of development the answer is more or less no, there aren't really any plugins for the Mac version of OBS yet.
Do you know when you will implement an integrated desktop sound recorder, so you don't have to use programs like WavTap or soundflower?


Forum Admin
Mac OSX does not provide an API to capture sound. It's a decision that Apple made to specifically exclude that functionality from the operating system. The only solution is to use a program like WavTap, or basically for OBS to write their own WavTap that can be bundled with the program.


New Member
Mac OSX does not provide an API to capture sound. It's a decision that Apple made to specifically exclude that functionality from the operating system. The only solution is to use a program like WavTap, or basically for OBS to write their own WavTap that can be bundled with the program.

Oh, I see. So other recording programs like ScreenFlow and such have their own built in thing? Thats very weird of Apple to make that decision... Oh well. Is it hard to make your own audio capture thing? Maybe you can ask the people at WavTap to help you?


New Member
Mac OSX does not provide an API to capture sound. It's a decision that Apple made to specifically exclude that functionality from the operating system. The only solution is to use a program like WavTap, or basically for OBS to write their own WavTap that can be bundled with the program.
Taken from

"On the Mac, Core Audio encompasses recording, editing, playback, compression and decompression, MIDI, signal processing, file stream parsing, and audio synthesis. You can use it to write standalone applications or modular effects and codec plug-ins that work with existing products."


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Apple specifically designed it so that you cannot capture desktop audio without a kernel extension. All other programs are using kernel extensions similar to wavtap or soundflower. We're just using the free ones, separately. We may be able to package it in with the program later.

CoreAudio API does not capture desktop sound, only input devices such as microphones/etc.

This is just a simple fact of how apple designed their audio stuff. We don't have any control over what apple decides to do with their operating system.
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New Member
Since the topic does say "Plugins", I wonder if OBS' pillar code is already developed enough for programmers to start developing their own 3rd party plugins for Multiplatform.
I'm not a programmer myself, but maybe making them aware could get them to start working on whatever project they have for Multiplatform. I guess they'd also have to make 3 versions (1 for each OS) if they contain executables.


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All of the captures and such are plugins, it's a modular system so it's based around plugin development. The display capture is a plugin, the audio capture is a plugin, the text source is a plugin. We're eventually going to put in a plugin manager which will allow easily installation of third party plugins as well on top of the build-in plugins, as well as other things in future.


New Member
Ooooh. Awesome. I didn't know it was actually that versatile. I'm seeing much potential already, can't wait to see what the future holds for OBS.