Plugin Streaming

So, I am new to JavaScript and HTML, but have experience in Java, and I am trying to make a program that manually begins a Youtube stream via OBS Studio (Because it's for a bunch of elderly people who probably won't understand OBS). Is there a line of code, in any language, that I can use to start a stream in Obs?

- AwesomePaperWork
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You can call:

to start and stop streaming from a C or C++ plugin. There are similar calls for recording. These are in the frontend api along with a bunch of other useful stuff.

There are probably also similar things for scripting but I've not dabbled with that so others will be more informed.
Actually, what I ended up doing was calling the windows command - - startstreaming and - - stopstreaming. So it would be C:\Users\Admin\Windows\64bit\obs64.exe\--startstreaming. (That path was copied in from my memory so it's probably not exactly the path)