Plugin Request - cURL/batch on Sound


New Member
I have a unique request... i guess. I'm trying to minimize the amount of programs i have installed that do one specific thing. The issuefor me, is that i run OBS pretty much 24/7, and have it all scripted out to not crash through restarts, and whatnot. starting a bunch of programs in specific sequence can be irritating and prone to failure.

I'm looking for a plugin that will watch a browser source - like a streamlabs donation widget or other source that when a sound is played it would run a command.
In my use case, specifically, i'd want to run cURL to control a tasmota plug, but the ability to run a batch file or script would be much more ideal.

To give some context...
I'm running stream on youtube showing farm animals.
To enable superchats, i would need to hit 1k subs and 4k watch hours - which live streaming doesn't count toward.
The ability to have a streamlabs donation page that ties into SLCB for !commands, and does something in OBS, like send a command to a cURL-able tasmota plug controlled xylophone feeder for the animals.
AKA, Stream interactivity.

Does anything like this exist?
Am i making any kind of sense?

Thanks guys.