Plugin Droidcam OBS (beta release) is crashing OBS


New Member
Hi! Linux version of DroidCam for OBS plugin crashes OBS when I press "Activate" and the camera start.

Screenshot from 2020-09-01 09-37-16.png

On the webpage ( of where I downloaded the plugin for OBS it says: "Linux version crashes OBS: There is a bug with FFMpeg version 3.X. Until the plugin code is re-written to work around it, you'll need to make sure OBS is loading FFMpeg version 4.X."

So I installed a ffmpeg using the command sudo snap install ffmpeg and then it wrote ffmpeg 4.1.4 from Snapcrafters installed.

But how do I make OBS to load this version of FFMpeg so that OBS wouldn't crash when I press "Activate"?

Here is my log file.

Thank you for reading! Hope somebody can help me with this.


New Member
Just tested it using PopOS 20.04, without installing ffmpeg, just go straight to install OBS from PPA and Droidcam Plugin, it work flawlessly.
I wonder why did this happen.

Producer John

New Member
How did you install the plugin? I followed the instructions (put folder a into folder b) but OBS doesn't have the Droidcam option. What am i missing?