Please let us group sources in scenes

I am very fond of the way layers work in Photoshop. You can easily layer one part of a design on top or below the other, but you can also group layers and move them together.

Now I work a lot with a webcam, a webcam overlay (framing the picture) and a static portrait of myself whenever I do not feel like using the webcam. Depending on which game I stream, I move the webcam and the other 2 sources around to not cover important parts of the game's user interface.As this must be done very pixel perfect I have to move 3 sources around and line them up perfectly every time I switch games. I would love to be able to group the 3 sources and move them all together.

I know I could create a new scene for every game but as there is no option to copy existing scenes this is way too much work, and also would ask for lots of work whenever I change my general look and feel.


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Okay. I'll see what I can do in the future. I agree, and I'm putting it on my to-do list, though I may not be able to get around to it for a while