Question / Help Please implement window cropping / chroma key to mac


New Member
Please, I know you say it's being worked on but please move it up in priority. OBS is amazing I LOVE IT, but these features are really important to me and others. I looked it up a little and you commented to a thread about it Sep 13, 2014 jim and said it's not being worked on. Please work on it! I mean display cropping is available for full screen. Chroma key would be new. BUT PLZ, work on it. Don't leave the MAC version behind!


Community Helper
It's on the list, but there are many things still to do. We know people want it (you aren't the only one), but just because someone isn't working on it this very moment doesn't mean it won't be worked on for a long time. Just be patient, the Mac version will not be "left behind". Eventually the Multiplatform version will surpass the current version of OBS.


New Member
I 100% know that, this isn't me complaining. OBS IS F*** Boss! It's just this feature really helps. And I know it's just not me :P I speak for all of us.


New Member
just to be helpful maybe you should practice using transform, set a windowed game to stretch to fill screen you will get the little white mac box above still with the red,yellow, and green buttons on it. And to fix that is to go into edit transform, and got to the little numbers on the bottom right and press the up arrow I believe so that the red box passes the bottom, and then just move the game up just a bit and it should be perfect. Thats the quickest way to do that, if you want it perfect you can edit transform, but it take way longer to get your window to fit. I know this all sounds hard, but currently I don't have anything visual to share like a how to video, sorry.


New Member
I have an png overlay to fix that. The problem is I want to add follower notification on my screen, but can't as I can't crop the twitchalerts window, or add a chroma key to remove the backdrop. That's why this is helpful.

The last OBS mac comit was Aug 26 and windows was October 4th. We arn't getting basic stream features like windows versions your actively updating. I appeciate it takes time, but it's bassed around a "soon" AKA never. I just want to show that people are intrested in adding these basic features to OBS mac and not to keep puting it off.

Please, do a little work on MAC and get these features implimented. OBS is amazing, i'm not asking for all window version features added just a couple of little BASIC things that help us mac streamers A hell of a lot. To be honest, I love my mac OS, but we are always left behind and have not that many programs that work on it. OBS is different, just don't lose the drive.

It should not take long as if you didn't hard code cropping in as it's in the full screen capture, implimentation to windows should be easy. I presume the chroma key would be harder as windows code would not work on MAC so will have to be coded from scratch, but not impossible.

If not allow us to get input from camtwist as that has chroma key & window croping features and produceses an out put. adobe media encoder (or something like that) can access, so no reason why OBS can't.

Lots of different ways to do this, please think about it and im looking forward to your responses.
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Community Helper
The last OBS mac comit was Aug 26 and windows was October 4th.
Uh, what? Where are you getting that from?

You should be looking here:

The latest commit to the master branch of obs-studio was October 6th, and the latest obs-studio pull request was submitted literally 3 minutes ago from this very moment. Where do you get the idea that it's not being worked on? Are you only looking at releases? Because that is a very bad indicator of progress.

If you're not satisfied with progress of the program, you're free to contribute code yourself, or we can give you a refund.

Generally, Jim wants to have a release more-or-less once a month, and part of the reason the latest release has been late is because a lot of work has gone into improving the deployment/update method that we will be using for OBS. In fact, we are setting up a system so that even the most impatient people will be able to download a build of the very latest code in git, broken as it may be. So sit tight.


New Member
Uh, what? Where are you getting that from?

You should be looking here:

The latest commit to the master branch of obs-studio was October 6th, and the latest obs-studio pull request was submitted literally 3 minutes ago from this very moment. Where do you get the idea that it's not being worked on? Are you only looking at releases? Because that is a very bad indicator of progress.

If you're not satisfied with progress of the program, you're free to contribute code yourself, or we can give you a refund.

Generally, Jim wants to have a release more-or-less once a month, and part of the reason the latest release has been late is because a lot of work has gone into improving the deployment/update method that we will be using for OBS. In fact, we are setting up a system so that even the most impatient people will be able to download a build of the very latest code in git, broken as it may be. So sit tight.

I mean the mac version, and I am not saying that in anyway. (I though these are the mac comits.) And if I could program, I would no doubt help this amazing software. But I can't!

I love OBS, and the constant updates, but are they mac compatible? Can I get the latest build to work on a mac?. I'm not dissing jim, he is a badass to produce software so optimised, clean and fricken amazing for free! But the multi platform hasn't been updated since:
August 25th, 2014 (front page).

I wish for a couple more releases for mac, a little update with a couple of little features Mac is missing. I hope for the update to include getting beta mac builds with hopefully these settings.

I LOVE OBS. Stop taking things the wrong way. I just want to let jim know that people are out there on MAC waiting for these features.


Community Helper
When you say things like "it's bassed around a 'soon' AKA never" (asserting that Jim is making empty promises about OBS Multiplatforms planned features), and then erroneously allege that Jim & co. aren't working on the program, and then talk about how easy it should be to add features X, Y, and Z while admitting that you have no idea what it takes to code this stuff, and then demand that Jim do what you prefer him to do instead of his other priorities (many of which involve completing promised features he has made to others), it comes across as rude, demanding, and entitled.

You're free to express desire for features, but when it crosses into the realm of false assertions and rude remarks, even if unintentional, it's bound to be taken as an affront.

The link you linked to is all the commits that have been made since the last public Mac release, which was August 26th. You can see there that, at the bottom of the list, are the most recent changes (the latest of which was today, meaning something was added in the last few hours). There isn't a public build with all those changes in yet, but we want to make one public soon (yes, soon, not never). Just because there hasn't been a release since August 26th doesn't mean no one is working on it -- the truth is quite the opposite, as you can see.


New Member
I can't believe this guy, you give a him a link to show that there is advances being made, he thinks that when you say that there are changes, that it means that a new version has come out maybe? I don't know but I was following your commits posts for a while and my inbox would be filled with updates. So I know for a fact they are working hard on OBS for mac, this guy should be more grateful that we even have a OBS for mac that works. Just ignore this entitled fool, yeah thats my opinion, and I don't know the guy but I have been following OBS for a while and they are working hard, so if they say so I'm just going to take their word for it, leave Jim alone to his work please.


New Member
I really am sorry if it came across rude, I truly wasn't meant to and I don't know how this github stuff works. I was looking at the top :( I am truly sorry about those remarks and the way I put them. Like you said, I do desire those things a lot,

but those things are common sense.
If you can use the cropping in a full display, why can't it be added to the window. And by demands you imply that i'm asking for the world. I'm asking him to do a little work on these features not STOP EVERYTHING IMPLEMENT THIS LIST OF 100+ NEW FEATURES. No way was I trying to edit his priorities. Im giving suggestions and letting my opinions of the software heard. How can you not see my frustration, seeing the windows version miles ahead.

You also ignore the good stuff I say, to balance the report, to make it not all negative.You always comment on the stuff I suggested and how OMG HE IS SUGGESTING SOMETHING, WOW HE IS EDITING JIMS PRIORITY ASKING FOR UPDATE. And presume I know everything about github. I thought newest things come first like any new people would. Maybe im excited to see these features. You never see anything positive and always jump to defence mode.

Grow up, think of the big picture. Someone excited about some new features they would like to see. As a moderator, you should have interest in people that love OBS so much, they make posts on their forum suggesting and asking about it. Not put them down, your ment to stop that, yet you always give me nothing what I look for. I just want answers not more YOU DID THIS WRONG.

I'm trying the best to express myself in the correct manner (SOMETHING WHICH NOT EVERYONE FINDS EASY).

And jim, why would it be no hassle for the master. I love his work, like I said above time and time again which you always ignore. I am in NO WAY disrespecting Jim and dream to be like him, a successful dev with FRICKIN SYNDICATE using my software!

And i'm so so so so so so so so so grateful for his work and the best by far streaming software for mac (BEATS ADOBE 100%), why is everyone assuming i'm not because I desire some things I thought I would share.

For god sake! Stop taking things the wrong way!

Why is anything Im saying so wrong! I started with a legit post, nothing bad at all and BAM all this hate. It's really not fair what so ever. im new to the community, wanting my opinions heard, and not to be judged by a bias mod and some mod butt kisser that dismisses anyone a mod has a go at without knowing anything about what I said. It's so stupid. oh yeah im going to say (my opinion) so it's okay like Luchador.

Im a guy, really enjoying OBS and wanting a couple of things. SUE ME. stupid forums. I got something wrong, a get messages full of hate, not help. This is what I hate about this guy, not willing to help but put down. (me anyway). No "you're looking at the wrong bit look at all the work below the top :P !" Noooooo. Helping me to understand. Something I like to call a blind mod, only out to defend, not help users.

Why could you just not explained this to me, for god sake. It's not fair. Not put people down for god sake.

Would you rather prefer people to not use your software, not make suggestions and are not sooo excited they want to know more! No you wouldn't. cut me some god damn slack. I'm not a bad guy.
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
You're not a bad guy. It's perfectly fine to be frustrated. I don't particularly mind people voicing frustration, users are generally in the dark about the developers' doings, and the bug tracker has been the only way for me to really show what we've been working on (though we neglected to put one or two things up on there which we should have until they were already done).

So for the sake of being as transparent as possible and so you're *not* in the dark, I'll try to state what's currently going on with the project.

The next version of the mac was delayed due to some major features we're putting in; primarily, syphon support (game capture for mac), a proper installer to be able to use syphon without asking people to download third party programs, auto-updating, and other minor things. I personally am not working on this, two others are. All of those things are complete except for the auto-updater, and hopefully(tm) within the next few days it'll be ready and I can finally release the thing before I pull my hair out, though I can't really just tell the people involved in working on it "hurry up!", because they're giving so much without asking for anything in return. That being said though, fortunately they have been devoting significant time to getting it done.

As for what I'm currently working on, I've been working on game capture for windows because it's a very high priority feature at the moment and needs to be implemented (along with a million other things). Next up on my priority if others haven't done it before me are: sync offsets for audio, filtering, some more test filters.

Today however I haven't really been able to work on it much as much as I'd like because of the number of pull requests I have compile and deal with today. It's especially frustrating with certain pull requests because sometimes I have to edit their commits for them because people generally don't care about the guidelines, then on top of that, I have to squash/split their commits because many of them don't particularly know how to make (or sometimes even care about) good clean concise commits and would rather lump in unrelated code together. I used to do that too, it's semi-understandable and takes experience with git to uh.. "git good" at using it and to understand *why* it's so important to have good commits. But sadly, this forces me to have to waste my time either fixing their stuff, or alternatively argue with them about fixing their stuff. All I would otherwise be spending on real work. Though they must not stop! Contribution is excellent, and worth the time, unless they just.. don't care, which really sucks. The amount of things that needs to be done is insurmountable almost, and we have multiple people helping. Two people are working on the mac stuff right now. One or two people who can occasionally dedicate some time to linux stuff (though lightly).

Then there's me, the guy who's the sort of defacto "lead" for the project I suppose. I spend all my time on it, and I'm working almost entirely on windows and platform-independent stuff right now. I think I'm still putting out more code than the rest, at least when I'm not writing large forum posts.

Just for the sake of even more transparency (and procrastination), I'll give you a summary of what my days are like.

Every morning I wake up. Go through the usual morning routines of getting breakfast and trying to regain my sanity after terrible nightmares about my life and living status that haunt me almost every night to the point that.. well, everyone has things that could be better and worse in their lives, and I'm no exception.

Then, I spend hours coding, occasionally procrastinating to browse the web randomly or something which is semi-unavoidable depending on what I'm working on. Lately I've been focusing on windows game capture 2.0 for the multiplatform build, I'm really excited about it, lots of nice new features and optimizations I'm working on, and especially a fix for SLI capture hopefully. I've been able to focus a lot of good time on it and getting some solid progress on it, D3D9 is pretty much complete for it, next up will be GL, D3D10 and D3D11, although only after I do some testing with D3D9 first. I want to get this thing compiling and working with D3D9 for some good initial testing.

At around lunch, work out (working out is crucial to ones health if all you really do otherwise is sit on the computer all day), then cook myself some lunch, turn on the news, and see the fire of the world burning deep in the reflections of my pupils while I eat whatever I cooked, contemplating just how much longer we have before the society collapses and we're in a post-apocolyptic world, mad max scenario..

And then I finish eating, turn off the terrible waste-of-time news, and then nonchalantly somehow forget just about every second of all the chaos and atrocities happening on the planet and go clean up the kitchen. I'm not much of a TV guy so I get right back to the computer when I'm finished eating and cleaning up. TV is a waste of time, would rather be coding.

Then I code again on whatever I'm working on or can stomach working on at a given time for more hours, as many hours as I'm able (I have spent a little bit of time on pulseaudio stuff for linux lately for example as a distraction/procrastination because I really wanted to figure out what's going on with it, pulseaudio is terrible for capturing audio, works fine and mac and windows so I really want to figure out what the hell is going on, but can't really spend too much time on it)

(continued due to character limit)


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Then at night, I inevitably end up on the forums as you can see, admittedly yet another semi-procrastination, though a necessary one. I spend an hour or two answering forum posts, I'll go through every unanswered post I can that I feel worthy spending time on (which is typically the majority of the posts) to try to answer questions and/or help with general problems (many of which should be in-program or are already in the guides, we really need a wizard and auto-configure button for these things). People then continually ask more and more questions as I answer their initial questions, and I sort of sigh, and wonder if they've ever used the estimator before, and then contemplate that wizard and auto-configure button that I have no time to write at the moment, lest I delay someone's crop feature, someone's chroma key feature, someone's mic sync delay feature, someone's web cam delay feature, someone's "record and stream with a different bitrate" feature, someone's "stream to two services at once" feature, etc endlessly.

And most of the posts are fine, I don't mind it, but then I get at least 2 particularly "obscure problem" posts per day which I have to spend an abnormal amount of time on just to try to theorize what some problem might be and try to help with the problem best I can, or if necessary try to write down if it's a bug or something. (I hate obscure hardware problems for example. Makes me want to bang my head against my desk continually. Too many people using ancient pentiums with it as well, bugs the heck out of me. Switchable graphics laptops kill me, yet everyone buys one. And of course, of course.. sync issues with USB 2.0 devices never end because people don't know how to configure them usually).

Then, sometimes on occasion we get these sort of "when will [x] be done", or "jim said we'd have [x] by now", which are an inevitable result of my idiocy in trying to give estimates as usual, especially when I'm not involved in the code of something specific. Or, especially if it's something that's still far out in time.

Then, after all that, I might spend an hour or two playing an actual video game or something.

Then I go to sleep back to the nightmares at some random time in the dead of the morning.

Sometimes I might work on pull requests when I have time and remember to actually *do* them rather than do my own code.

Repeat, every day. Every day of the year. Even weekends. Sometimes I forget what day of the month it is. Sometimes I don't even realize that a new month has passed. I think I've lost the standard concept of time and calendars. I don't really go out much. I don't have any local friends. I just work on OBS all day, respond to forum posts, or respond to questions on chat, pretty much all day, every day. Why? Well, for one thing I love the community, even if I don't really stream anymore. All the friends I've made, all the people I've met, and all the people I interact with are great, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's helped me get my life a little more in order, so many awesome and talented people. So many different crazy people that I enjoy being around and working with as well.

And, on occasion, sometimes drama like this forces my hand to make a long, lengthy post just to let people know I'm actually here, listening, and working, hence this very long and drawn out post, to get you to understand how this project is going, how it's progressing, so you understand and maybe with a faint chance even perhaps sympathize with the project, and with how small-mediumish sized open source projects can't really just do everything that everyone wants when they want it. Believe me, if I could give you guys everything right when you want it, I would. But alas, two hands, and a todo list a mile long.

All these features that people wish for are on a list. They all have a priority level, and because I am one individual with two hands, I have to work at them one at a time the best that I am able. I try to make room for lower priority features on occasion, or give it to a newbie to try to code. Unfortunately, I can only count the amount of solid C/C++ programmers I know on a single hand. The people who have solid experience in this particular field are about half that. And then the people other than myself who can dedicate significant time are about half that again (which leaves about one finger here).

Perhaps this post will prove useful. I'm hoping, praying that I won't have to respond further or make further clarification, that hopefully I've covered just about every single inch of territory in the current project activity, at least to a fair extent. There are more things going on, but that's about the gist of it.

(Not a novel reader? To sum it up: we're working as hard as we can with what we have. Jim has no life. If someone doesn't get around to it before Jim does, he will eventually get around to your requested feature at some point in time, because those are somewhat important features. Also, most importantly, if you're a good C/C++ programmer, help out for the love of god. I will bake you cookies. I bake excellent cookies.)


New Member
First off I want to say THANK YOU, I get the feeling you don't hear that enough so thank you, I'm sorry next for adding problems to your life, so wont complain about stupid little things, compared to the big picture. After reading all that I've realized that the problems we are having is because you released OBS when it wasn't done (for mac) and for some dumb reason we want it done like now, but its not done, and maybe it shouldn't have been released so early. But then you would get people mad that it isn't out. I was guilty for that, reason being I've been streaming for 1 yr and a half waiting for a OBS for mac, and I should have just shut up and waited another year for final release. Currently I can't use OBS for mac, so I'm using el gato, it limits me to console games but until OBS is finished I have no other choice, but also my problems could stem from not knowing anything about computers, like you said the estimator etc.
Anyways Jim I'm sorry, and once again THANK YOU, you really should hear that more man.


New Member
Jim, thank you for that absolutely massive amount (Wayyyyyyyy not expected) of information and for all your masses amount of work on OBS. I am sorry for the false accusations I said and if I was a C/C++ Programer I would definitely 100% help out. And I read it all, and loved reading it. Thanks :)


New Member
I just came across this thread today looking to see if there was a window cropping option. It doesn't matter to me much since I Bootcamped my Mac, but I just wanted to see if the functionality was available on the multiplatform version of OBS. I read all of your post and I'm glad I did. I use OBS almost every day without realizing just how many hours you spend working on it every day, and the truth is there are so many more developers who live the same life working singlehandedly on their own whatever. People are always asking for more features without realizing what it takes every day to make these features. And that's now always the user's fault. Not many developers are open about what they actually do for their program, and you are. Your novel post needs to be posted all around the Internet, because people need to see what the life of most developers is like. Thank you for this, Jim. I've kind of been lurking and reading forum posts these last few days, and you are really committed to this. I admire you and all of the work you put into OBS.


Community Helper
(For the record, both cropping and chroma key are now available. You can add them both as filters by right clicking the source > Filters)