Please add a "Scene/Source Slideshow"

MDZ jimmY

New Member
So I feel like a scene or source slideshow should be a feature for obs because the workaround is truly ugly and not intuitive at all.
A portion of my stream layout shows ingame statistics that I embed through scenes in obs, so it looks like this:

scene 1: "Ranked Stats: Wins: 10, Losses: 2"
scene 2: "Casual Stats: Wins: 5, Losses: 3"

Theses scenes are already added into other scenes where I need them, so I don't want to just switch between 2 scenes, I need the ability to switch between scenes that were added as sources for other scenes.

I could theoretically create duplicate scenes (that include scene 1 or scene 2 as sources) with the only difference being either scene 1 or 2 active in each of the scenes, then I could use automatic scene switcher to get the desired effect, but this makes things soooo much more complicated.

Unless I'm missing something obvious here, I just don't see why I would need to create multiple instances of the same scene with slight differences just so I get the ability to get timed transitions for sources.


The Helping Squad
A lua/python script could probably toggle the visibility of your overlays if you add them both a single "Main" Scene, but without a nice transition effect. Not sure how "simple" the implementation of a "real" scene slideshow would be. Probably a bit complicated, but a good idea I think.

At the Moment I would probably do it like you described:
Scene - Title - Content
1 - Main - Gamecapture for example
2 - Overlay1 - Ranked Stats
3 - Overlay2 - Casual Stats
4 - Main + Overlay1 - Both scenes added as sources
5 - Main + Overlay2 - Both scenes added as sources
Auto Scene Switcher would then switch between Scene 4 and 5.

MDZ jimmY

New Member
I happen to utilize some python scripts in combination with obs for very specific tasks, so yeah I guess you could do that. then again, the "scene switcher" solution does work and I'm using lots of duplicate scenes in combination with the advanced scene switcher atm and it works just fine.

I just can't help but feel this should be way simpler, so hopefully something along the lines of "source slideshow" will be an official feature at some point :)