Question / Help Pixelated stream with i7/gtx 970/16 GB RAM 2700 bitrate


New Member
Hello there :)

I'm trying to stream 720p @30fps / 720p @45fps and i have big problems with that.

Mostly of all, a problem is that my stream at exact settings as the other streamer gives definietly lower video quality for viewers. Nearly done everything that went into my mind to get rid of it, but nothing made it better. My knowledge of streaming is quite simple, but enough to see that something's really wrong about hardware/software.

To better get what am i talking about - look at the video below:

Focus on how crosshair area and top left corner behave when goes from bright to dark area. (sometimes i noticed, that crosshair itself duplicates for about few frames)​

I don't see any differences using veryfast/fast/medium preset. No drops, no nothing, just same awkward video glitches.

Tried to put settings like:
- fps: 30
- lower/higher bitrate
- nvidia nvenc / x264
- high / main profile
- different priorities of game/OBS
- render using OpenGL
- opencl=true option (few people said that may help)

I'm actually using Windows 10. I saw the topic about problems this system making, but found nothing similar to the one i'm writing about (or i just didn't notice. My english is not very good, i'm afraid :) )


Here's my log file:

Settings put in log may be a little bit strange, but i did many experiments before without success or improvement.

Thanks for help!


Forum Admin
custom settings: opencl=true

Cut that out. Stop watching bad youtube videos for "BEST OBS SETTINGS!@!!!?!?!?!?!?/1/!!!"


Forum Admin
Your sample video is about as expected for the settings you're using. If you're recording locally, you should just use Simple Mode and the recording presets. For streaming, 720p, 30fps, and 2000-2500 bitrate is pretty much the max for twitch.

The game you're playing has a lot of animated grass/plant effects, which is notoriously hard for video encoders to handle.


New Member
"Your sample video is about as expected for the settings you're using."

I can't agree with you. If so, why my friend has better quality than me on exact OBS settings? I also watched a streamer playing same game with no problems like i have (he has no partnership, just pure source like me). Of course grass/plant effects are hard to encode, but difference between me and the others are huge, believe :)

Thanks for trying anyways :)


Well the bitrate is low, the CPU preset was not slowed down to compensate somewhat for the hard to encode material. It could look way better with some tweaks, but dont expect anything at this crappy bitrate. 3500 is what twitch used as "recommended", but most streamers go higher if they have the upload for it. Simply because you cant even make out details on the stream, for fast paced games where opponents could be like 1mile away - you simply need more bitrate. Thats not HS or LoL - those games will look fine with low bitrate.


New Member
Well, i used 3500, even 5000 and somehow my friend's stream on 2700 is much better than mine on 2700 or even 3500. We even tested same areas for better comparison. Magic? I know how technically it works. Just wondering why i have different results than the others with exact settings. Considering bitrate problems is not the way we can solve anything i'm afraid.

I thought maybe it's because of graphic drivers - reinstalled it and nothing happened. Still same situation.


Forum Admin
If your friend is using the exact same settings, then the quality will be exactly (or at the very least, extremely close to) the same. Something is not adding up with your explanation.

Try gathering some clean logs that show only a single set of settings (try using Simple Mode and avoid changing settings you don't understand from the defaults). Also, videos uploaded to youtube are a very poor way of showing issues, as youtube re-encodes everything you upload so it's not a fair result.


There is not much that affects video quality. But if you want to compare it with your friend: select a game that has a fixed benchmark run (so you both get the same video input). Make sure you have a clean scene and record it (do not stream it - just to avoid any connection issues blah). They should look the same if you have the same settings in OBS.

What affects video quality on x264 mostly: preset, resolution, FPS and bitrate. We are talking about a simple setup with CBR enabled.