Question / Help Pixelated stream - tried everything please help


New Member
So I have recently been having extreme pixelation issues on my streams, and I don't know why. I have tried: varying the bitrate everything from 1000 to 10000. using various amounts in between, I have tried changing the quality from 720p to 1080p and varied the bitrate with both qualities. I have tried streaming on both Twitch and Youtube. I have tried using the twitch preset, the Youtube preset. and a few other ones. varying the bitrate with each of them. I use the AMD encoder with my graphics card and the quality problems persist both when the GPU is maxed and when it is barely doing anything. I never get encoder overload. My internet connection is 40mbs upload, and during all tests, I have had task manager open and the internet upload holds steady at whatever bitrate I have set. My CPU never maxes out, my memory never maxes out, my disk never maxes out. All my drivers are up to date... I'm genuinely out of ideas and I think I have tried everything please help, this is getting ridiculous.
This is a link to a clip of one of my recent streams which shows the pixelation issue
P.S. I hope there is some stupidly simple thing I'm missing that will fix this problem.


  • 2018-02-07 11-28-37.txt
    16.4 KB · Views: 16
  • 2018-02-15 17-43-29.txt
    147.5 KB · Views: 4
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