Pipe Source into Browser Source


New Member
Hi all,

I would like to construct a stream layout entirely in a Browser Source, such that I can use CSS and JS to create rich and layout-aware effects.

I have already built something using the websocket API to manage scenes, but it needs to run two instances of OBS where one of the instances outputs to a web camera, that is then used as a video in my browser-sourced web application in the second instance.

This works decently well, but is obviously messy, and creates more issues than what it's worth.

I was thinking that a plugin that allows feeding a Browser Source with another Source would make sense. Alternatively, a forked "Game Capture" Source that renders a browser source with this injection.

Specifically, I believe the best format would be to present the Source as a web camera for the browser API.

Does something to this effect already exist? I looked around, but came up short.



Active Member
I'm absolutely not an expert on this endeavour, but with the amount of threads that we have about the Application Capture and Game Capture not working, I'm not sure you want to base anything at all on them for at least another major rev, maybe two. Just my $0.02.