Question / Help Performance hit and some questions. Long read sorry.


New Member
I want to start off by thanking the team and folks behind OBS for making such a wonderful program and allowing us to enjoy it within our daily lives.


Hello, I haven't really found anything online that really pertains to this, mostly when I search "Low fps in game when streaming" or something like that, I normally see topics about OBS it self having low fps and nothing about the games them selves taking a hit on fps or really little to anything but much older topics.

I my self like many others use OBS to live stream, yes there is going to be a performance hit due to having to encode things live for the stream, tho it seems the hit is taking almost half of my fps that I normally would get within game when not streaming.

For example, when I play Miscreated, I can get 100 - 170+ fps within game, tho when streaming it seems I with the same settings in game go from 30-90fps, this range is never stable, it causes the game to have they odd stutters, slips and almost hangs when I get into combat or near other players.

I did a few tests, putting my game at 1280 x 720 and putting all settings to low, it did improve my fps in game making it easier to play, tho when I was watching another streamer and told him about this he said I should try to max out my gpu since the more fps I get the harder the cpu has to work thus causing problems for me later on or something like that.

My computer has some good hardware inside and I think it shouldn't be acting like this, I don't think I should be changing my options to be super low, I have noticed people with computers much older/lesser then mine being able to run and stream this game or other games with little to no issues, out performing my computer with no problems making me wonder whats wrong.

I mainly try to stream 720p @ 60fps, I can get the stream to push it, it does look smooth on stream tho some times in game I suffer and normally get killed, tho some times when in game it shows 60 - 80 fps quickly swapping back and forth it is when I notice most of the hitching.

Yes I do know Miscreated is still in alpha and having really nothing optimized, tho besides the issue happening in this game it seems to happen in Overwatch and many others as well.

I will add a log file if needed, tho not sure what that will do.

My computer specs are

GPU: 980ti Zotac Amp!
CPU: i7 4790k - stock speed
Ram: 16GB - models are mixed tho, not sure if that can be an issue since one stick is 1333 and the others are 1666 or something
Mobo: AsRock H97M Pro4
Op system: Windows 7 Pro
Webcam: Logitech c920

So I have a few questions.

1. Is there a way to fix this issue and make it so my performance hit is way less then half when streaming?

2. Is there a way to turn off the preview screen for OBS studio tho still allow the stream to see the game? I ask because someone said this would help with fps.

3. Is there something wrong with my computer that might be the issue that I may need to replace, fix or remove from my pc and or update?

4. I wonder if I am the only one with issues like this?

5. What are performance differences are between Nvec and x264?


Active Member
1.- OBS Studio uses GPU to render frames. So, maxing your GPUingame leaves no room for OBS. So, when OBS takes its needed room, your game FPS drop. Limit FPS ingame (via VSync) or reduce ingame graphics requeriments

2.- You can tunr off preview. OBS will be streaming.

3.- Post a log after streaming to see what are your issues

4.- No, you are not the only one.

5.- Using same bitrate, x264 gets better image than NVENC. (streaming) If you only want to record, NVENC should be better option to reduce CPU stress.