Per scene different filters on global source


New Member
I have seen the list of key features but talking with other streamers in the partnered Discord server I came to the conclusion that most people have issues with not having the ability to crop their webcam differently per scene or apply different effects like masks on a per scene base. This is a deal breaker for me as well.

I have searched a bit about, and I saw even a tweet from June last year saying that this would be 'coming soon' as it got 'a bit delayed'. What is the current status for different filters per scene, and not globally attached to the source.

Also a small gimmick im missing myself, when I was recreating scenes in studio, that there is only center. Unlike classic where you could also horizontally and vertically center a source, but I guess this will fall under the polishing.

Edit; I must note that some filters are easier to have global like the chroma keying, or an option to copy the filter settings from another scene where it is already applied.


The Helping Squad
It is definitely planned and was from the beginning to allow per scene filters. As with most things its mainly a problem of having only very few people developing OBS. Problems showing up, things distracting and windows updates breaking things.
Maybe this issue can be added to the roadmap for 0.14.0.