Bug Report PCM camera not woring

Suslik V

Active Member
Try to plug it in other port and re-select from Device list, but may happen that something updated in your sys and broke the cam for OBS. Also, try to set Settings>Advanced>Renderer: DirectX 11 Direct3D 11
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Rod Jenkins

New Member
did try other port same result, did just get a series Of Windows10 updates, now I'll try the Direct x adjustments and see how that works,
thanks for the advice Suslik V

P.S. I don't have Direct X 11 for a renderer I have Direct 3D 11 is that it?

Suslik V

Active Member
Yes, sorry for typo. OBS Studio itself doesn't have update mechanism but only reminder. So, probably, something changed to your system.

Rod Jenkins

New Member
okay thanks, tried switching still nothing video wise. I get a blank black screen, and I just installed the latest version of OBS studio