Part of Screen is Being Cut Off During Screen Recording


New Member

I'm new to OBS, but I've found it fairly intuitive so far. I'm only using it to screen record, so I hadn't really run into any issues until this one. I'm recording a number of websites that are open in Chrome tabs. On one particular site, the left side of the screen is cut off in the recording. This is the site (and page) in question. And, this is an image of the screen recording of that site. As you can clearly see, the left side of the screen is missing some real estate. The weird part is, this is the only website that this happened on. I made captures of probably 30 different sites, and this was the only one that had this problem, and it wasn't only that page on the site. There were two other pages that did the same thing. I read on Reddit that it usually has something to do w/ screen resolution, but mine is set properly, as evidenced by the remainder of the recording turning out fine. I'm not sure what to do w/ this, and I was hoping someone might have seen this behavior before. Here is a link to my log file from my most recent attempt to record that site. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Active Member
That's just the way that website is. If you look at the source, it shows "Created by Dennis Wagner - 1/17/2001" and it looks like it. For 4:3 screens.


New Member
I'm not really sure that I'm understanding. While it may be 4:3 resolution, it shows up the same as any other site in my browser. Isn't OBS just capturing what's on-screen? Is there a way to make OBS capture the entirety of the screen? If I change my Windows display resolution to something else, say 1920x1440 or 1600x1200, and I made the appropriate changes in the OBS settings, would it capture it then?