Question / Help Overload Encoding


Assuming you are trying to stream the cpu you have isn't strong enough to give a decent result. The obs log doesn't show the errors / lags but i expect this is the case.

You could look at gpu encoding over cpu but this is generally used in recording and not streaming.


New Member

Assuming you are trying to stream the cpu you have isn't strong enough to give a decent result. The obs log doesn't show the errors / lags but i expect this is the case.

You could look at gpu encoding over cpu but this is generally used in recording and not streaming.

I stream Console games at these settings with no issues. Only when i switch to PC games is when the issue occurs.
Need the obs log to show the settings used and the errors produced.

When streaming on the console the pc is just left to do that workload, when you game as well on the pc it has to do both the game and the stream hence the overload.

Are you steaming or recording? or both?
The log should contain ======start stream ====== & ====stop stream====== this doesn't. when you open obs it creates a new log for that session so you will need to either run a test stream for few mins or find the log in the user folder where obs stores them.