Question / Help Overcome inconsistent coloring for use in transparency key in a winforms app

Aaron Friedman

New Member
I am developing a mobile app for my company, and the owner prefers the splash screen I created with HTML/CSS to the desktop software's current splash screen. Issue is, it's difficult to get HTML into a winforms app in a splashscreen type format (there are controls, but you can't set transparency keys, etc). So my only option as of now is to make a video, split it into frames, and then either create a gif, or use a timer to replace images at 30'ish fps...

My issue currently is that either way that I do it, I have a "grainy" area where it looks like OBS may be adjusting colors near intersections.

Steps I have taken:

Initial CSS - Set to an exact hex value. This translates into rgb 210,210,210

Next step is either convert video direclty to .gif, or use Video to JPG Converter to capture all frames. Both attempts have the exact same result, which is why I believe this to be an OBS issue or setting.

... When I open either attempt in a picturebox with a transparency key set fromargb(210,210,210), it *almost* works...

But my result is that I get transparency except very close to the animation, where it looks like there is some bleedover or something that slightly alters the coloring just enough so that a transparency key can't pick it up.

This is how the final result looks though, and I'm not sure how to get around it without editing 150+ pictures pixel by pixel (not a fantastic option).


^Edit: Right-click, open in new tab

PS - if this link doesn't fix, someone please let me know what services are available to post images. I tried dropbox, photobucket, and google photos. I'm sticking with google photos, but in the preview the link appears broken. I also tried the upload file option but it doesn't seem to ever finish.

Aaron Friedman

New Member
What is the question? I see the set of info not related to each other. Bot?
If you right-click on the broken img tag, and select "Open in new window" you should hopefully be able to see the issue. I can't imagine that you wouldn't.

This is the full image that is placed into a picturebox with transparency key set to the background color in CSS:
Perhaps that will clarify.

Suslik V

Active Member
Better post your log file from the recording attempt. If you aware of the compression artifacts just use Simple output mode, lossless quality and RGB in Advanced settings of the OBS Studio.