Outputting OBS stream as a v4l2 device


New Member
OBS is an awesome software project that unfortunately I cannot use.

I'm currently using another video cam software that is less powerful than OBS (Webcam Studio) and I would so badly like to switch but one thing is holding me back. Webcam Studio is able to output the video stream as a v4l2 device that can by used by many many webcam sites just looking for a cam.
I would think many people would make great use from having a v4l2 output stream. I see that there is a great plugin to use a webpage as an input, I wonder if a plugin to create a dummy v4l2 device as output could be created.

I've searched the forums for a thread with this topic and did not find one, so if I posted this in the wrong place or should have this under another thread... please accept my apologies.