output_format can only be set to VIDEO_FORMAT_RGBA to decode and play normally.


New Member
Hi Engineers,
I got a problem, when I update the OBS version from May 2019 to November 2019, obs_video_info :: output_format can only be set to VIDEO_FORMAT_RGBA to decode, convert and play normally. If it is NV12 or I420, it is A piece of purple. I debugged and found that there were no errors in the decoding, conversion, and playback processes, but the playback processing effect was purple. I did not change the test code. I just updated the obs version. Do you know what might be the reason?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
To decode, convert, and play what normally? Are you building it yourself? Are you talking about video files created with it? I am unable to reproduce any issues with the master branch. If possible, please try to be more descriptive about the issue in more detail, and provide reproduction steps of the issue so we can reproduce it.

Additionally, if you are building it yourself and can use git, I would recommend using git's bisect feature to figure out precisely what the issue is.