Question / Help Output to second monitor/projector


New Member
I'm trying to display the video feed from OBS on a projector via HDMI out on my MacBook Pro.

Without the projector feature in OBS MP, is there another way to do it?

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New Member
Maybe use a second piece of software to capture the preview area of OBS and view it on the second monitor (projector output)? Any other ideas?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
the projector feature is on the list, unfortunately I can only work on one thing at a time though.


I have my HDMI out connected to another monitor. I just drag the OBS window over to the other monitor, and it works just fine.

Does your projector look like a monitor to Mac OS?


Community Helper
What he wants is fullscreen output from OBS while not having OBS on that monitor. It's a feature that's nice for sending OBS's output to a projector or to another computer via capture card while still maintaining control over OBS functions.


New Member
I'm wondering about an ETA for this feature for macbook pros, I've very interested in using OBS to project images for a project I've been working on. Thanks!

Jeff Hildebrand

New Member
This might seem like a simplistic way to a possible solution. If you add the option of allowing studio mode to place the output in a 2nd stand alone window that can be resized independently and allow it be border less when maximized. That would allow you move the output window of the studio mode to the 2nd monitor and maximize it?


Community Helper
Projector output is already supported in OBS Studio (right-click the preview and choose Fullscreen Projector). You are replying to a very old thread.


New Member
I use the obs droid plugin. I want a portrait mod. I transform the camera, rotate it in obs, cut off the edges, adjust it, but when I project on another screen the camera as a monitor to see myself, that camera is horizontal, in its original state. It is not cut off or rotated as in obs. Is it possible to set to display only a truncated and rotated camera as obs sees?


New Member
Does anyone know of a way to set the OBS Fullscreen Projector windows to separate Misson Control finder desktops windows on mac? I would like to be able to switch between different Projector windows on one display.