Output to Nextcloud Talk? | Am I asking OBS to do something it can't?

I admit I am being lazy and not RTFMing much and so deserve all your disdain.

I teach single students on Nextcloud using their app "Talk". My setup is very simple and low-tech: a whiteboard on a table with a camera above. The cameras and microphones are select-able via a drop-down in Talk. I just select the camera and the microphone and start the meeting. This part of Talk feels lot like jitsi meet, if that helps.

It would be nice to be able to switch sources quickly and reliably and basically be more fancy. I haven't had a lot of luck switching cameras on the fly in Talk and that means in order to say hi to my student I have to stick my head over the board and look up at the overhead camera. That's beginning to hurt. It would be nice to switch to the camera on my monitor.

So I IMAGINED from what little I bothered to look at online, before writing this post, that this is what I could do with OBS. And being very optimistic figured there would be a way to make the video and audio outputs from OBS look like a device to Kubuntu (eg /dev/video11, something similar for the audio) and so I'd just select those in Talk and control the audio and video from OBS. I installed OBS and looked around and don't see that option. ( Now thinking: Should I be recording to files with those device names?)

But really what I see folks doing with OBS jitsi is incorporating their jitsi call into their stream. I want to send my stream to jitsi (well, Talk really). So maybe this isn't the right tool for this?

So obviously my question is : can I use OBS to do this? Or does someone know a better tool for this?


PS In case it matters: Kubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Edited to correct typos.
So I guess I should have been a little more patient:

The Virtual Camera is a feature of OBS Studio that allows you to share your OBS Studio scene with any applications that can make use of a webcam, such as Zoom, Skype, Discord, etc. This feature is particularly useful for applications that cannot capture the screen directly.