Output source audio to specific output AND record it


With OBS beta I usually use Voicemeter Banana to mix
- PC-Audio (default playback device = Voicemeter's Virtual Audio Cable)
- PS4 Voicechat (Headphone port of USB Soundcard in PS4 routed to Line In1)
- PS4 Audio (headphone port of my TV routed to Line In2)
- my Microphone (Yeti).
Voicemeter outputs that to my headset (without the mic of course) to hear what's going on. The full mix gets output to OBS using a second Virtual Audio Cable.

With the Avermedia LGX low latency and OBS MP being able to record multiple tracks I could conceivably play off of the preview screen in OBS and use my TV as just another monitor in Windows. This would enable me to see chat and stream notifications on one screen. But then there's nothing that lets me hear the game audio (since it would go directly from PS4 -> LGX -> OBS MP)! So if I could listen in on select audio sources (not the mic) I could still hear the gameplay...


Community Helper
You can hear the capture card audio by enabling that setting in the video capture device source.
Yes, but you can't choose which output it redirects to. It goes to the default playback device. It then gets picked back up by my PC-Audio source. I would need it to output specifically to the headset connected to my Yeti's headphone port.