Other blending modes besides fading.

I read someone is trying to add more blending modes besides the standard TV opaque mode.

Last time I checked it was in an experimental beta build.

Is a new version out? I'm on 27.1.3.

Does it have other combining modes besides fade? Does it have RGB add? Does it have CYM subtract?

The fade mode "greyifies" both the red and cyan and makes them one "Moonlight" style poster.

I'm not looking for the Moonlight effect. I'm looking for preserving the peft amd right eyes and making the colors as distinct as possible. I don't know what blending logic is normal but i want an RGB additive one where cyan +red = white.
Well I did find something called image mask blend.

The problem is I cannot blend left and red and right in cyan to make anaglyph additive blend

I got to type blend Edition path says browse but it doesn't show any cameras to browse from. And colors are just colors and opacity just shows the blending between red and others.

How do you additive blend live picture A with live picture B?