Question / Help OSX Video Glitch

MacPro 3,1; Mac OSX 10.9.5, build 13F1712.
NVidia 8800 GT 512
Using either the built in Apple driver or the latest NVidia driver for this machine and OS build, with the same results. Audio is run through Soundflower and works fine. Video is garbage (apple driver) or black (Nvidia).


  • 2016-03-27 14-57-16.txt
    14.3 KB · Views: 20
There was indeed a driver update.


  • Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 3.43.13 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 3.43.13 PM.png
    160 KB · Views: 20


Forum Moderator
If the 8800GT is any indication of the other hardware in your system then it likely isn't powerful enough to bother using OBS at all. The program is quite demanding even on modern computers.
If the 8800GT is any indication of the other hardware in your system then it likely isn't powerful enough to bother using OBS at all. The program is quite demanding even on modern computers.

2 x 3.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon?

Audio works fine, and I've been multitasking without any slowdowns. The only problem I've had is with the video, and only on the actual stream page in Chrome. OBS displays my monitor, cursor, etc. but my audience is getting a lightshow instead.
Okay, so that being the case, before I spring for a new graphics card and/or a new machine, does the log I appended give any indication as to what exactly is happening?

You say the app is demanding. What is it demanding and from what part of the machine? I've got no slowdowns on my end of things, and the card can be upgraded but it's going to be a pain.
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On the CPU side I would say that you're good in the middle to low-end range. I think the source of your issue(s) is your ancient/non-openGL 3.2 conformant GPU. OBS uses the GPU for compositing, so if that part isn't up to spec, you'll have issues, esp. on the *nix OSes.

As to OpenGL 3.3/3.2 vs 2.1... I don't have a non-technical way to explain it, but basically in Apple land they supply a base driver/harness that supports OpenGL 3.3, and they write some work-around code/Soft emulation code for certain card "levels".

What this means is that if you hardware doesn't support 3.2, Apple has some fallbacks in place to keep the OS running, but if you try to run something that actually relies on having that Hardware there you'll have weird issues, random bugs, or it just won't work.

For the record I have a Dual Xeon x5650 setup, and can record at 1920x1080@60p@medium and only use from 2% to about 40% per core when encoding at those specs (overall CPU usage is at 26%-40%). Your CPUs are a generation or 2 older and you have 33% fewer cores then me, but you should get good performance out of the cores. How much? I can't say without doing some testing.
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