The apple hardware encoder has very few options. Bitrate, an option to limit bitrate (???), keyframe interval, a switch to use B frames, and ... "Profile".
What, in general, is a good way to convert quality numbers to bitrate? I don't have to adjust the CRF as I change screen sizes.
Are "B-frames" the "backwards" frames? I understand YouTube and streaming generally do not like those (my editor is OK with them).
Should I just put profile to "High", or is there a benefit to using one of the other settings?
What, in general, is a good way to convert quality numbers to bitrate? I don't have to adjust the CRF as I change screen sizes.
Are "B-frames" the "backwards" frames? I understand YouTube and streaming generally do not like those (my editor is OK with them).
Should I just put profile to "High", or is there a benefit to using one of the other settings?